“Why is health so easy for everyone else,

but not for me?

I know what I'm supposed to do, but every day I feel like I'm battling my food. 

Why can't I just do it?”


Give me 4 sessions and I'll show you how to overcome your food cravings... without needing more willpower.   


"I've been on the journey to heal my relationship with food for a long time, and this class was finally the missing piece." - Jordan


Dear Friend,

I know exactly how you feel.

I looked down at my container of 'healthy' ice cream and thought,

“Crap, how did this happen again?”

Here I was, a registered dietitian with over a decade of experience, and an expert in health ….

And yet, I lost control with my food once again.

Just 10 minutes prior, I had so much willpower and motivation to finish the day strong with my healthy eating.

And then it was like something came over me… like I was hypnotized. Like something took over my brain.

It felt like there was a magnet between my body and the fridge pulling me straight to the ice cream. 

Something convinced me to eat it, until it was just about gone. 

Drowning in my own guilt and frustration, I wondered…

“Why do I think about food all day long? Why do I keep losing control? What’s the matter with me?!”

My shame ran deep because I’d been coaching people on their nutrition for years.

And yet…

Not a single one of my clients had ever
found their way off the dieting rollercoaster either.

“What is going on?” I wondered.

“Is everything I learned in my bachelor’s and master's degrees and professional training on nutrition totally wrong?”

Clearly, something was wrong. But I couldn’t figure it out.

And I wasn’t the only nutritionist struggling with these same issues personally and professionally. When I reached out to other dietitians, they also shared that their biggest challenges were keeping themselves and their clients on their program.

Whenever I brought up this topic, it seemed the answer was always something like…

“Gina, it’s not your fault that our clients are struggling. Our job is to give them the health program, and it’s their job to follow it.”

I couldn’t settle for that answer, because I knew that I couldn’t even stick to my own program. So how could I expect my clients to?

It was a humbling moment that led me to question everything I knew about health and nutrition—and even my career.

There was an obvious elephant in the room that no one was talking about…

Why are there endless diets and nutrition programs… but nobody talking about how to stick to it?


Isn’t that the most important part?

It’s a question that perplexed even the most seasoned health experts. I was determined to know if my own struggles were just a lack of willpower or if there was more to the story.

I decided it was time to get to the bottom of this. 

I delved into the research behind what happens in our brain and body when we get food cravings and lose all willpower. 

In my search for answers, I uncovered the downfall in traditional approaches to dieting and was stunned by what I discovered.

“This isn’t about learning more nutrition information or willpower at all.”

Science has been revealing a truth that nutritionists and health professionals all over the world have been missing for decades.

When I read it the first time, I could hardly believe it myself.

Nothing in my advanced nutrition education had EVER talked about this.

More and more studies are showing the truth that restrictive diets and other sources of stress can actually cause food cravings.

Science reveals that when we experience an internal stress (such as restricting food or stressful emotion), your body responds to that stress by increasing appetite for your survival. 

According to a research paper published by Minerva Endocrinology, stress in the body, including calorie restriction, alters the circuitry in the brain to stimulate eating behavior. This survival response is the main regulator of food intake.  When the body undergoes this stress response, the heightened drive for food becomes near impossible to overcome. 

This isn’t willpower, it’s basic science of how the body works to protect you!

With this scientific knowledge, I started to explore my cravings with curiosity. What was I experiencing that was causing my stress response and food cravings? Exploring these food cravings completely changed my relationship to them and revealed why I was having moments of losing control. 

I realized something that completely went against the traditional health industry belief system: 

Food cravings aren’t bad!

Cravings are our teachers.

All my life I’ve been told to suppress my cravings.

To ignore them.

To use distractions like gum, water, or a walk. But the cravings always came roaring back.

I used to chew so much gum that I felt like a chain smoker… but with gum.

And now, I finally understood why.

It was because avoiding the problem never gave me freedom.

Suppression is NEVER freedom.

But as soon as I started to understand the brain’s reason for sending me cravings, it changed everything.

My cravings became my teacher. They became my compass.

As I learned how to listen to my cravings and follow their cues, I began finding freedom with food I’d been searching for my entire life.

I wasn’t a victim of my own body anymore.

I didn’t have to fight with my food anymore.

I was so excited, I started sharing what I learned with my clients.

Mandy, who had tried everything from weight loss programs to bariatric center consultations without success, finally found peace with her food that she was looking for. She lost over 39 pounds - without agonizing over food plans or diets anymore.

Terry had also been caught in the relentless highs and lows of seasonal dieting for decades. But after working together, he was able to get off the roller coasters. He now finds it easy to stay at a steady 185 pounds and feels completely at peace with food.

Kathy had been on diets for what felt like her entire life. When I first started coaching her, it was difficult for her to change. But, once we started implementing this new strategy, she learned how to trust herself with food. She’s lost over 80 pounds, and to this day continues steadily on her journey with confidence.

This can happen for anyone, no matter how many years you’ve struggled with food.

Instead of viewing your cravings as something bad, you’ll see them as valuable teachers. You’ll even begin to learn more about yourself because of your cravings.

You’re not broken. You just need a new strategy.

Years of fighting with food might have made you lose hope and feel like you can’t do it.  But just like my clients, you’re really not that far away from getting out of those self-sabotaging loops.  

If you want new results, you need a new strategy.

With this new approach, it is possible for anyone to step into confidence with their food and their health.

And I'll be teaching the step by step process in this live upcoming course.

It's the exact tools I give to my private clients that have given them the self trust with their food that they have been craving their entire lives. 

Hi, I’m Gina Worful - I help people who struggle to successfully diet, finally feel in control over their cravings and stop self sabotaging.

If you found yourself here, you might be one of the many people who know how to eat healthy... but just can't seem to do it. You may have been dieting for years going through  on and off periods wondering, "Why can't I just do this?"

I know it can feel so disheartening if you’ve been on the motivational rollercoaster. I know what it is like to tell yourself that you’re going to stick to the plan and finally get back in shape only to let yourself down a few hours later. 

It can make it really scary to take a step in any direction, let alone invest in yourself. 

This is for you if you know what you’re supposed to do to eat healthy, but you just don’t have enough willpower or discipline. 

I’m here to tell you that it is not about willpower. If you’re hoping for more willpower to save you, you will forever be in this inner war.

I know this story because I lived it.

About eleven years ago I became a registered dietitian with a master’s degree in human nutrition. I had a brain full of knowledge about nutrition but for some reason, I’d find myself magnetically pulled into the kitchen and uncontrollably eating all the foods I swore I wouldn’t earlier that day.

I felt so much deep shame around my depth of health knowledge but lack of willpower.

I became determined to understand why it felt so hard. I had to wonder, “Would every day feel like a war… forever?”

It felt like I was losing myself and alignment with the natural, effortless health I was really craving. 

As I continued to go through cycles of restriction and losing control, I started to lose the body shape I once knew. "How did I get here?"

I didn't even recognize myself anymore. 

My deep shame started to affect everything in my life.  I distanced myself from my relationships, I was snappy to my coworkers, and I felt like I lost my inner spark. 

I set out determined to understand why we might so deeply want to get healthier but also self sabotage and do “destructive” things to our bodies, like overeating and bingeing on sugar that only makes our bodies feel awful. 

Because of my own inner pain and to be able to truly serve people as a dietitian, I dedicated my life's work to create a beautiful trusting relationship with my food and body. 

What I didn't know at the time, and what diet plans do not tell you, is that there are 4 core factors that impact food cravings. If any of these are off balance, our body's instincts will take over and cause us to eat excess sugar or calories.

Once the body comes back into balance, the natural urge to eat settles. 

Once I learned how to get my body out of the craving states, my uncontrollable food cravings went away. I was no longer at war with my food. I no longer needed calorie counting or even more willpower. 

I could choose to eat healthy foods or I could indulge but at the core of it all, I could trust myself.

I could enjoy the freedom of being present in my life without thinking about food all day long or fearing another day full of guilt and shame. I was finally free.

And in my opinion, there's nothing in this world that feels better than trusting yourself.

- Introducing -

The Conquering Cravings 


Join me for a 4 - part live series for a transformative journey into confidence with your food and harmony with your body.

This class is for you if you, 

âś… go through cycles of motivation and then self sabotage (or restrict - binge cycles)

✅ struggle with late night snacking 

âś… say that you "just need more willpower"

✅ can't trust yourself to keep temptations in the house 

âś… think about food all day long

✅ struggle with stress eating or emotional eating

✅ have to track your food or count calories

✅ wonder if you have food or sugar addiction 

âś… want to feel at peace with your food but don't know how to get there


How does it work?

Our core methodology is the Conquering Cravings Method™️ that recalibrates the body's physiology to tame cravings. This method is founded in science and has been featured at global conferences, world renowned health centers, and academic institutions.  

We don't believe in quick fixes or gimmicks. We believe in empowering you with tools to trust yourself with food, that you can have for the rest of your life. 

Imagine if you could...

  • be present during your day without thinking about food
  • choose to eat healthy if you want, without self sabotaging
  • be able to finish a meal feeling satisfied
  • indulge in life's delicious pleasures, without feeling out of control
  • love your body as it is and into health
  • feel inner peace with your food and trust yourself around it 

Yes! All of this is possible.  And so much more. 

When you heal the relationship with food and your body, you can fall in love with food again - or perhaps for the first time.

While every person has a unique experience, many of our students have a life altering experience from this course. 

Here's an Overview of What We Cover:

Session 1: Breaking Free From Self Sabotaging Cycles 

  • The secrets of the dieting industry, why they keep you trapped in self sabotaging cycles, and the 3 steps to getting out
  • Identifying your unique craving type 
  • The step by step path to identify where you are on your food freedom journey and how to get to the next level

Session 2: Addressing Craving Types 1 & 2

  • Uncovering real hunger vs craving hunger
  • Addressing the "I need food NOW" type of craving
  • Addressing the "I feel low, depressed, anxious, or melancholy food craving"

Session 3: Addressing Craving Type 3

  • Addressing the "something took over my brain and put my into a hypnosis food binge" type craving
  • Turning off the craving response in the body
  • Breaking free from stress eating, boredom snacking, and emotional eating 
  • How easily quit late night snacking 
  • Reclaiming self trust with the Conquering Cravings Method™️

Session 4: Addressing Craving Type 4

  • Addressing the "I want to be healthy but I am watching myself make other choices" type of craving
  • Finding the root of where cravings came from
  • Practicing and building confidence

Bonus #1: Breaking Through "I'm Not Worthy" and other limiting beliefs

This 90-minute training is with the belief coach master - Britt Lefkoe. Britt Lefkoe is a highly sought after belief coach who creates instant mindset shifts so you can break through any self - imposed limitations to growth. 

$997 Value

Bonus #2: The Expert's Guide on "Healthy" Foods that Trigger Cravings

Did you know that some foods are designed to create addictive - like experiences yet are promoted as healthy? This is the expert's guide to know which foods do this and what to lookout for. 

$250 Value

Bonus #3: Body Connection Meditation

This training gives you the ability to practice getting in tune with your true hunger and body to keep progressing, even after class! 

$225 Value

Bonus #4: Beating Late Night Snacking - without needing more willpower

This training gives you the step by step guide to tame cravings earlier in the day, so they don't come on in the evening.

This makes it so much easier than trying to willpower them away.

$225 Value

Bonus #5: The Holiday Strategy: Beating Cravings & Temptations with Full Confidence

This training gives you the key mindset shifts and practices to go into the holidays knowing how to navigate temptations and approach it with full confidence!

$225 Value

Here's what you're going to get:

Total Value: $3,972

Join the LIVE workshop, with recordings for 6 months, & all bonuses for $297

I'm ready, let's do this!

Some of the students we've helped:

"I made up with my body. I apologized to it and asked it to come with me to the place where we are united together body and soul, instead of fighting against each other."

- Lindsey

"I've been on a journey for a few years now and this series, these ideas of breaking into my own body and being on my own team... mind blown. The practical steps you gave me to follow just gave me something I've been searching for for a long time. This whole thing has been an answer to frustrated prayers I've had for years. It feels like a key clicking in the lock."

- Rachel

"This was so important. From start to finish it touched something in me beyond food. 

I felt so altered by this workshop. The journey I've been on felt never ending and this gave me practical steps and deep dives into myself and who I am in a way I didn't know how to do before.

I feel changed by this workshop in a way I didn't expect."

- Mandy


"I loved this workshop! It helped dial in on looking closer at the reasons why I get cravings and taking that energy and transferring it a helpful place that I can practice everyday and continue to build on." 

- Jenny

"I signed up for this conquering cravings course thinking I was going to get some good strategies for resisting cravings. I did receive good strategies.

I also gained so much more. I have a better understanding of the importance of pausing, being present in my life and truly listening to my body to learn what it is trying to tell me.

I learned that I can be my own friend and show compassion and care for myself in more authentic ways when I am willing to look at and feel my emotions. I learned about digging deeper for finding my "why".

I am truly grateful to Gina for the gift of this course and am looking forward to lots of practice to get better at using the tools I've been given!"

- Carolyn

The Conquering Cravings masterclass was life-changing for me. I've been on the journey to heal my relationship with food for some time, and this class was the missing piece.

I struggled with intense food cravings for as long as I can remember, but her class helped me understand their root causes. Instead of fighting cravings, Gina taught me to embrace them as valuable signals from my body, leading me to heal underlying issues.

I highly recommend this masterclass to anyone seeking to understand themselves better and heal their relationship with food in a gentle and loving manner.

Thank you, Gina, for this transformative journey!

- Jordan

"Conquering Cravings goes far beyond just what to do with food cravings. I'm not afraid of myself or discomfort anymore. I am equipped to deal with whatever emotions arise.

I am very much looking forward to using her techniques to continue to learn and understand myself, which is what this life is all about. 

I am forever grateful to Gina."

-Anonymous student

Course Survey:

83% of students said they now have the techniques to feel more connected to their body and in control over their food.


100% of students said they now have less shame and more compassion around their food cravings.

Meet Your Instructor,

Gina Worful, MS, RD. 

If we haven't been properly acquainted yet, I'm Gina. I'm a classically trained registered dietitian with a master's degree in human nutrition from Eastern Michigan University. I founded the Mastering Mindfulness Institute after I was working with clients for so many years and watching them all fail to change. I've realized that health is not as simple as information but also the relationship we have with our food and our bodies. 

I don't believe in putting people on restrictive programs. I believe in guiding them into a more trusting relationship with their own body. 

I know it takes so much courage to get here and even consider saying yes to this.

And, I'd like to say this...

You are so worthy and capable of the relationship to your body and health that YOU desire. I am so proud of you for making it here. If you're here, that means you've probably been through some really tough times with your food or your body or your health. And, something inside you gave you a little whisper to keep searching for answers to discover more. You were brave enough to answer the call and somehow find yourself here. 

And I want to tell you, there is so much more! The journey within us is the most exciting adventure we could ever say yes to. 

On the other side, there's so much inner freedom.

Only you truly know what is best for you! And, if you choose to take this adventure, I'll be here right beside you, every step of the way. 

~ Gina 

Risk free, guaranteed.

Here's my promise to you...

Our priority here is to serve you and your highest and best good above anything. If you attend all classes and for any reason, we didn't meet your expectations, just send my team an email to [email protected] and we're more than happy to give you a full refund, no questions asked! 

We would much rather take all the risk for you - so you can join us without worrying about it! 

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm ready Gina, let's do this!