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Gutsy Health's Free Classes

Access pre-recorded sessions and valuable resources to elevate your health education.


free class

The Parasite Epidemic

By definition, parasites are organisms that live inside (and ontop of) a host and intercept nutrients, leaving the host with some nutritional deficiencies. No matter how healthy you eat, these pathogens could be preventing you from receiving all the vitamins and minerals from your food intake.

Dealing with parasites is something individuals can do safely from home, as long as you have the right protocol and supplements. Even “healthy” people (those not experiencing uncomfortable, daily symptoms) can elect to complete a parasite cleanse in search for optimal health.

Watch this class and learn more!

free class

Detoxification 101

Detoxification is a big buzz word these days. And everyone is asking why it's important.  

If you have:

  • inflammation
  • gut issues
  • issues absorbing your nutrients and supplements and feel dependent on them
  • low energy and nothing seems to help
    suffer with brain fog
  • strange health issues that no one can quite figure out

This toxicity and detoxification class is for you!


free class

Microbiome 101

Your gut bacteria is more important than you realize.

Digestive issues are the new health epidemic and is the root cause to over hundreds of health issues. And your microbiome is a key player in these issues! Did you know that 70% of your immune system is your gut bacteria/microbiome?

This empowering class will give you tools to help you feel like you are in the driver's seat of your health and healing journey again.

free class

Pregnancy & Postpartum Wellness

We are thrilled to have Katie Baker, a registered nurse and health coach at Provo Health, lactation specialist, and a devoted mom of 7, lead this informative class. With her extensive experience and personal insights, Katie will guide you through the essentials of:

  • Pregnancy Supplementation

  • Pregnancy Nutrition

  • Postpartum Nutrition

  • Postpartum Support


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