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Healing- How We Are Doing It Wrong

#affirmations #body #conscious #emotions #healing #mindset #nutrition #subconscious

Episode 81: Gutsy Health Podcast 


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Show Summary:  “When I'm sitting down with my five coaches and we're going over training and cases, they say, everyone's foundational issues are almost identical. You actually are very unique, please embrace your uniqueness. But disease is not. Disease oftentimes all stems from the same root causes. People don't implement the basics because they don't understand them and they don't see the value behind implementing basics because it's too basic.”


Gutsy Health started when Tristin was diagnosed with cancer a few years back. It became their motivation to study and open a clinic to help and educate people about healing; It also sparked Juanique's mission to save Tristin. They created courses, memberships, and the podcast to spread their word and make micro changes worldwide.


Despite all the great things they have built, their uphill battle continues. When Tristin's cancer came back, and his body was giving up because of the tumor, his doctor told Juanique that he only had two weeks to live. But like what they say, "You can't put a good man down!". Miraculously, Tristin is gradually bouncing back and is now doing great!


Fueled by their mission, Juanique, and Tristin, together with their good friend, Gina Worful,  a Registered Dietitian, created a program that consists of complimentary classes, a new membership, and consultations that break down everything you should know, even the basic components, so you can get a clear grasp of what's truly going on inside your body. Listen until the end of the episode and find out how to be a part of the program.


Important Links

Join The Program Now


Exceptional Highlight:


  • You have to be the interpreter of your body's language.
  • Our bodies have this incredible intelligence to keep us alive. They want to stay alive. We were put on Earth to be the highest version of ourselves,
  • These classes will teach you how to heal your body from the ground up. From energy and mindset to mitochondria to gut, liver, adrenals, hormones, and brain.


Show Highlights: 


A little update about Juanique and Tristin


Juanique 1:23


  • This business is an extension of me, and it's my passion project. It's not even a business; it's who I am. And it started because of Tristin's cancer. It began with the burning fire because the doctor told us that he wouldn't live past two years.


What idea keeps Juanique awake at night?


Juanique 22:09 


  • I want to explain this diagram to you guys because I think I did it at 1 AM.  I literally stay up at night, trying to figure out the world's problems and I was thinking, "How can we help people heal themselves?"


Let your body be your trainer


Gina 35:00


Let your body be your trainer. I think a lot of people have a fear of, "Well if I just listened to my body, it'll be just sitting on the couch."  But truly, we need to check in on it. When I  got honest with what my body wanted, it wanted to move in so many different ways.


What’s in the program?


Juanique 45:00


There are three options. You can just buy one of the parts. You can buy the Foundations of The Food and Health part if that's what you want to focus on, or you can buy the Heal Your Whole Body Roadmap part.



Transcript (DOWNLOAD)


This is a Gutsy Health Podcast with Jaunique and Tristin Roney.


Juanique Roney

Hey, you guys, welcome back to the Gutsy Health Podcast. I have my co-host with me, Gina Worful. Welcome.


Gina Worful

Hi, everybody.


Juanique Roney

Oh, my gosh. Don't we just love Gina? You guys, she taught a free class this week and she blew my mind. She is so smart. I'll have to tell you this, I mean, I've already shared the story and how we've met and how I instantly fell in love with her the moment I met her.


Gina Worful

Oh thank you Juanique.


Juanique Roney

you know that. You know that and now I'm so glad we're here podcasting together and trying to change the world. Speaking of changing the world, and I've asked Gina to kind of keep me on track because as we were talking about this episode, we were seeing how this is going to be a soul episode. This is going to be like channeling heart and soul and talking about the evolution of healing and where we keep going wrong in our society, in this world. It breaks me and the reason why I say I'm broken, I want to give everyone a little bit of an update on my life, on Tristin life and what's been going on. And, you know, my life and my business, this business, this business is an extension of me. It's a passion project. It's not even a business. It's who I am and it started because of Tristin cancer. And it started with this burning fire because a doctor told us that he wouldn't live past two years. And so we started a clinic. We started educating ourselves like crazy, doing courses like crazy, spending thousands of dollars, just information dumping and then saying we're going to help all the people. And we helped and we problem solved and we created memberships and we created online courses. And, you know, we have this podcast now and we're making these  micro changes and it's and it's been great. Fast forward to this year, actually, literally on New Year's Eve, Tristin was just throwing up all night and he you know, we're both crying and he's like, am I going to be OK? And I told him, I don't know. I don't know if you're going to be OK. I had this sick feeling inside me. I was like, something is very wrong. Yes, we know your cancer's back. Yes, we're working on it, but this isn't OK. And that's when we found out, like a week later, it took a week to do a scan because we couldn't get him out of bed. He was throwing up. He was dizzy. It was really bad, you guys.  I don't want people to ever go through what we went through January, February, because it was it was very scary. So anyways, I did a scan on an MRI and there's three big tumors and a doctor told me he probably has a couple of weeks to live. Thank the stars that when the doctor told me that Tristin wasn't in the room, because I do believe where thoughts go, energy flows. And I think of Tristin was in the room. He would have died in January. He would have he would not be here. So actually, Gina you remember I said if I start waffling bring me in, but I want to share this. Tristin and  I had a pact, in our pact was because we know how doctors operate and we know the power that they have over us. We had this pact that every time a doctor was going to give us news, I would hear it first. Tristin would be out of the room and then I would interpret it in a gentle way. So I never told Tristin that Dr. So-and-so  said you have two weeks to live. I never said that. Even though that was heavy on my heart and it like I broke inside, like pieces of me broke. But it was like, you know what, yeah, there's there's tumors. We're going to we're going to radiate. We're going to do these things.


Gina Worful

How are you able to keep it together and be that support for him, knowing that information put on you?


Juanique Roney

You know, it was I guess that's a whole podcast for another time, because it's, you know, as hard and grueling as it has been, the information and the downloads of unpacking death have been priceless. I can honestly say that, you know, when you read books about befriending death and how important and healing it is like that terrified the crap out of me. And I had to befriend death in January and it freed me. It really did. But it was hard. It was like the hardest thing I've ever had to face. That's a thing for another time. But anyways, fast forward, I'm going to give a few details on what happened Tristin. I mean, one of the hardest days, it was Tristin's last day of radiation and I'm half carrying him up the stairs to our house. He completely collapses, completely like his body goes limp. I think he had like a mini seizure or stroke or something. I don't know. And because, again, his brain was just radiated and there I am just screaming in the stairwell, calling my neighbors on my phone like somebody, please, I can't carry this man's body upstairs, I can't. It's not going to happen, you know? And so there he is, like, just completely limp on the stairs. And the beautiful thing about January honestly, is that he doesn't recall a lot of these things, he doesn't because his brain was just-- He was literally dying. This guy was emaciated. He was skinny as a rail. When we went in to see the neurosurgeon, Tristin was in a wheelchair and the neurosurgeons, a nurse practitioner at the six week follow up post surgery, it was like we didn't think you were going to make it. We had we had all hands on deck. Everyone canceled their other surgeries because we all just wanted to make sure you made it alive off of that operation table, you know? And so, like, it was it was bad, you guys. It was really bad. But something died that day when Tristin had surgery and he was like a Phenix reborn and it's amazing. He has bounced back.


Gina Worful

Such a war.


Juanique Roney

He is.


Gina Worful

It's unbelievable.


Juanique Roney

It really is. This guy has nine lives. It's amazing and he's here with us today and he's doing so good. And people are like, well, is he running marathons? No. You know, he still gets winded for ten minutes when he goes upstairs and he still has cancer in his lungs and he just had brain surgery for crying out loud.


Gina Worful

Well I thought it was so funny. He had just had brain surgery and the next day he texted me like, hey, do you want to create some classes?


Juanique Roney

I know.


Gina Worful

Is this Tristin? What? He had brain surgery.


Juanique Roney



Gina Worful

OK, I got these great ideas. We should put together these classes, so enthusiastic and like, I'm ready to go.


Juanique Roney

You cannot put this man down and he has this fire for life and this fire for this mission and he wants to teach people he wants to be an example of how the power of self-love can heal you, you know, and oh, my gosh, I can't wait for Tristin to come back on the podcast some day. I'm like, Tristin, you need to write books. You need to do all the things like who are you, Mr. Walking Miracle. It's really amazing. He's still working hard and there's still such a long road to go. And every time we like walk into like doctor's appointments, they're, you know, they kind of have that look like, oh, my gosh, you're still here, you know?


Gina Worful

Yeah. Just whenever you're recording, just have them pop over and just say, hey, everybody.


Juanique Roney

I know.


Gina Worful

This is his voice.


Juanique Roney

You know, I think for him emotionally, it's hard because he actually loves teaching. And so it was funny because I was recording some stories the other day. This is like three days ago I was recording some stories on Gutsy stuff. And and he was just watching me. And I looked over and I because I saw him watching me and he had like tears in his eyes, you know, and he's like, I miss teaching people. And I, you know, we're both crying. And I'm like, you will teach again. And he's like he's like, it's not time, though. He's like, it's not time. It's still me time, you know?


Gina Worful

For sure. No doubt.


Juanique Roney

So you guys, I don't know what the future brings, but right now I know the present is beautiful but it's been freaking hard. It's been the hardest thing. Anyways, fast forward to two weeks ago. Life just gets hard. Life just gets chaotic and me trying to be a mom to working twelve hours a day, trying to run a clinic, trying to manage employees, manage membership, create content. I was working twelve hours a day hardly seeing my kids, just feeling a little bit defeated and then to top it off, I got like the bum of the century. And I was informed that someone very, very, very near and dear to me just got diagnosed with lung cancer and I broke again. If people think 2020 was hard for them, I'm like 2021 we're just barely in April and I am done, but I'm tapped out. But there's no one to tap.


Gina Worful

I've never met anyone in my life who has taken  and you're like, we're just going to keep moving on and getting back on the roller coaster and I'm going to keep bringing my kids along and we're going to make healthy meals together and we're going to go inspire the world. I've never in my life seen that. You are just such an extraordinary woman.


Juanique Roney

But thank you. But thank you. But I want people to know I have my grumpy sad moments, a lot. I get angry a lot and I have to feel the rage. I have to feel it, obviously not like targeted at someone, but I just have to feel it and to heal to move through it because there's a message in the rage. There's a message because when I broke that day when I heard that information and I just completely broke and I went from like numb to breaking to rage, to numb again, I said, this cannot keep happening. I'm done. I'm done with the world being sick. I'm done with these statistics getting worse in our favors. I'm done with us like normalizing disease. I'm done with us normalizing symptoms like PMS. PMS is not normal, you guys. I just read an article that something like in the year 2048, there will be more infertile people than fertile people. Aren't we done? Are we not done with this? Are we not done with our kids getting sick? Are we not done with these weird autoimmune diseases? Are we not done taking these medications that make us more sick? Are we not done not knowing what the heck is going on in our bodies? Are we done yet? Are we ready to change? You know what I mean?


Gina Worful

Well, think of how many people just were just accepting. You know, it's so easy to just accept all of these slow, slow dysfunctions. All of a sudden, all these things that you and I talk about all the time, that we hear people say, like, I just don't sleep well at night. Doesn't everyone get bloated after they eat or, you know, we're all constipated, right?


Juanique Roney

We're suffering like, anxiety, depression, you know, all of these things that are so like, yes, we do have these predispositions. But why are more and more and more people getting these diagnoses?


Gina Worful

Even weight loss. Our bodies are not being willing to let go of weight. And we just accept these as like normal things that our bodies are telling us. This isn't right. Our bodies are supposed to work right.


Gina Worful

They're supposed to work right. They weren't designed to break down on us. Our bodies have this incredible intelligence to keep us alive. They want to stay alive. If you are religious or spiritual, like we were put on this earth to be the highest version of ourselves, right? So why are we put in vessels that break? Well, they don't break. We were just never given the instruction manual. In fact, we were letting people make money off of our bodies and make money off of our illness. And unfortunately, those are the power structures, the higher ups that create the laws that allow this to happen to us. Yes, there are some laws there, but they're not good enough, and we see that. We see that in our experience and we see that in our loved ones experiences. And I'm tired. I'm so tired of my loved ones getting sick and I'm so tired of your loved ones getting sick. And I'm so tired of my massage therapists loved ones getting sick. I heard of like five people this week that were diagnosed with cancer. And people talk about cancer because that's the big scary one. What about the people that were diagnosed with endometriosis or type two diabetes or PCOS?


Gina Worful

One in five women have autoimmune thyroid disease.


Juanique Roney



Gina Worful

One in five.


Juanique Roney

This is crazy, you guys. I think something like it's close to like 60 or 80 percent of Americans like going back to the insulin resistance has insulin resistance. Do you know what I mean? I just did a poll yesterday on my stories where, you know, 90 percent of people have a hard time losing weight. It shouldn't be hard. Do you know what I mean? Like being in these bodies shouldn't feel like pushing a boulder uphill. That is not normal.


Gina Worful

I have been there.


Juanique Roney



Gina Worful

I've been in that place in my body where it felt like I had it literally felt like I was carrying weight, just walking up a hill of sand and every time I take a step back, it's like take one step and it's so much effort just to slide right back down.


Juanique Roney



Gina Worful

And not knowing what is going on with my body and not having those answers and not understanding and actually feeling really helpless like nobody was really actually helping me. It was just little Band-Aid patches and doctors being like, let's just try out like a medication to solve that symptom and I was getting nowhere.


Juanique Roney

Nowhere, because they're tiny little bandaids. What we really need is hours and hours and hours of like information and practice, you know what I mean? Paying two hundred dollars to see a doctor to talk to you for fifteen minutes about, well, just eat less food and exercise, you know, that's not going to cut it anymore. It's not cutting it right now. And then I don't want to pay two hundred dollars to get gas like lighted by my doctor, you know what I mean.


Gina Worful



Juanique Roney

It's just what we're doing is just it's not working. This structure of the higher ups, the I put you in air quotes, the educated people, the doctors telling us, well just take this medication and try these three things. It's not working for us anymore. It's not working for our society. It's not working for our planet.


Gina Worful

And I think one of the challenges, too, is sometimes there are really incredible doctors. You know, I know some really amazing doctors who do look for causes and they don't want to just use medication. But unfortunately, they're not spending the time with somebody that they really actually need. And so you might get fifteen minutes or a half an hour, if you're lucky, of like some really good recommendations. But then you still might be left with, like, why am I doing this? Am I on the right track? And it's hard to really get the time that you really need.


Juanique Roney

It really is. That's why we started the podcast. I remember like a couple of years ago before I started the first version, this is like the third version of the Gutsy health membership that we're talking about today. But when I started the first version of the Gutsy health membership, it was because I would lay awake at night like brainstorming. How do I get people who come into my consults and I try to, like fire hose them with information?  This is going to help you and I would just get like the deer in the headlights look and I would lay awake at night, like, how can I help them? How can I support them? How can I let that information sink in? And so Gutsy health 1.0 started  and was working to some extent and then I evolved it into 2.0  where it was like more classes, more this the Zooms calls the community the outreach, like come bring your questions, here's more lectures, and it's beautiful. But we're still missing pieces, right? We still need more. What I have created is incredible but with everything that is happening, like with what I experience with Tristin this year, what I went through two weeks ago when I learned that news, I'm done. I'm done with us not having the instruction manual of our bodies anymore. And what's actually really beautiful, you guys, is starting in January. Gina,  Carlyn Call and I, we have been talking about a summit and we're doing this summit. It's called nurser  and we're going to deep dove into the order of healing and teach you guys about the art of healing. And it's going to be this incredible one day experience where people can come together and learn. And if you are not here locally, it's OK because it will also be online, too. But we want you to learn. We want you to heal. We want you to be your own expert. But that's just one day, you know, that's one day of fire hosing you with an amazing, amazing information and an amazing community. But there needs to be more because we need a detailed, like, Bible explanation on our bodies, and that sounds a little scary, and that sounds a little overwhelming. But we can't afford to not know anymore because if we keep, like, being an ostrich with our head in the sand, we're just allowing this to continue to happen to us but we're allowing it to continue to happen to our children as well. You know, they always say "Be the change you wish to see in the world?"  Well, I want the world to heal. I can't heal the world that I have to heal myself. And if you heal yourself by becoming your own health expert, not only are you becoming the highest version of yourself and you're feeling good in your body and you're feeling good in this life, but you're sharing that information with your children and then you're sharing it with your family. And so now you've not only healed yourself, but you feel your family and then that bleeds into communities and then that bleeds into nations and that bleeds into the world. This is the healing I want to happen. This is what I feel so passionate about. We get to heal ourselves. And it's also beautiful, too, because we live in a day and age where we don't have to rely on the higher ups. We want to have to rely on the doctors to teach us. We have so many resources out there, so many brilliant people. We have the Internet. Don't ever let anyone shame you for Google searching something ever again. All right? That is gaslighting to the nth degree like you are-- okay, let me back up, because most people that listen to this, they're stay at home moms snd for some reason, we do not value our stay at home moms. We don't recognize the power we have. All right. We are literally raising the next generation. We are smart A F . There's a lot of people that are probably hating that  I said A F right now, but that's fine. We're really intelligent you guys and this is stuff that you are entitled to know about. You are entitled to learn because you are entitled to self healing and self advocacy and radical empowerment around your body. Again, we have to take that power back and no one's going to give it to you nicely and doctors will not give it to you cheaply. You have to go out and take it and work for it and I promise you, it's like the most rewarding work on the face of the planet. Do you have anything to say about that, Gina? Because it's starting to feel like a long voice message.


Gina Worful

No, it's great. It's absolutely great and I think that we need to not just become accepting, you know, accepting of not getting the help that we need, the support that we need. I just met with a client a week ago and she's been working with her doctor, going in to see her doctor. She's having all of these symptoms like she cannot lose weight. Her energy is off, like all of these different symptoms that are not normal. And she's begging her doctor to run some labs to get to know her body and her doctors saying, no, you don't need it. You don't need you're fine. Your blood pressure is great because we're keeping you on blood pressure medication. And she's like, I want to get off my blood pressure medication, how do we do this? And she's like, why, your numbers are great, your numbers are great which hold steady. And she called me because she's like, I am just feeling so hopeless. My doctor is not giving me the time or really listening to me saying,  and I don't know and she's been on such a journey. She's been so committed to really wanting to learn and understand her body that she's just getting started, you know, and so she's just getting started and like, how do I learn about my body? Because I can't just only take what my doctor says. You're fine, you're good. When I know my body, something is off and I just need to understand.


Juanique Roney

Well I love that you brought that up but we also need to remember that it's not the doctor's faults either. They are just a victim of this broken system as we are. And they're just these like trained minions to just like parrot what medical school told them. And unfortunately, those that are funding the medical schools are the biggest lobbyists in our government. And they at the end of the day, for them, it's just about the bottom dollar numbers. You know what I mean? We are literally they profit off the backs of us and our illness.


Gina Worful

If you're one of the people who are lucky enough that you have access to a really good doctor, they probably don't give you a lot of time and intimacy to be able to teach you how your body works so that you really understand. And that is life changes for you, like you feel comfortable actually knowing your body. So I think it is really becoming your own health advocate. Of course, having other people on your team, other experts like getting that advice, but also really being your own health advocate to say, I want to learn and understand my body.


Juanique Roney

Yes. Yes. Gina do you ever do this thing like when you're up at night and you have an idea and you have to, like, quickly write it down in your phone? That's me. I'm showing Gina my little diagram.


Gina Worful

 Oh so funny, actually drew a picture.


Juanique Roney

I drew a picture. I want to explain this diagram to you guys, because I think I did it at like 1:00 a.m. because again, I literally stay up at night trying to figure out the problems of the world. That's literally what I'm like,  how can I help people more? How can we help people heal themselves in ways that it's like little digestible bite sizes? All right. So I want everyone to imagine a triangle, and it has one, two, three, four or five, six rungs. All right. So the bottom rung of this triangle, the longest rung free classes. Everyone can attend a free class. Start listening to the podcast. You're here. You're doing it. Yay! Congratulations. I want to high five you.


Gina Worful

Tons of information.


Juanique Roney

Tons of information. There's so many podcasts out there. There's hundreds of thousands of health podcasts, you know.


Gina Worful

Gutsy Health Podcast is just it's a very impressive resource.


Juanique Roney

Thank you.


Gina Worful

And you told me you had a podcast. Okay a lot of people have podcast and then I saw your podcast and I'm like, wow, this is such a great library.


Juanique Roney

Thank you.


Gina Worful

It's very impressive and what did you recently send me? What is this podcast rated right now?


Juanique Roney

Well, two weeks ago is number twelve. I think this week it was nineteen or something like in the US of like of like Huben science or something. Thank you Gina. You're probably like oh you do have a podcast. That's adorable


Gina Worful

Very, very impressive resource.


Juanique Roney

Thank you. It's literally all heart and soul. I'm not even kidding. This episode right now is heart and soul. OK, so imagine your little triangle in your head. You guys free classes, the next rung implementation. All right. Are you guys with me? OK, free class implementation. Free class implementation. Sometimes I can only take us so far. So then next we're ready for the next level like small paid classes, small workshops, implementation, small workshop implementation. All right, then we can go to the next like membership. That's where you get like the Zoom calls. That's where you get the support. That's where you get the Facebook group. That's where, you guys, what Gina and I, we're going to talk about this in a little bit it is, I've never seen anything like what we've created online where it's literally like a school for you becoming an expert in your own healing journey. You are going to deep dove the art of healing, like the deepest dove you'll ever get. And chances are when you are done with all of these classes, I want to call them courses because it's like that sounds really intimidating. When you're done with all of these units and all these classes, you probably know more about health and healing than your doctor. I'm not even kidding. If you are a doctor listening, I will not take that back. I will not. Because you're taught medicine. You're not taught healing. All right. This is about healing your body from the ground up, from energy and mindset to mitochondria to gut to liver to adrenals to hormones to brain. All right, so the fact that you will potentially do these classes, go into a doctor's appointment and like school your doctor in health and wellness, that's really impressive. I don't think I've ever seen anything like this online. OK, so we did the free classes, the implementation classes, implementation and take classes that can be like membership, like what we're talking about. And then we go to consults and implementation. We're fine tuning. What most people do is they go to consult first and implementation. They get overwhelmed and they fall off the bandwagon. We're doing this wrong. We're doing it all wrong.


Gina Worful

That is something I've seen for years. I would see a client and there's only so much to so often that I can see them. So I'm trying to firehose everything as much.


Juanique Roney



Gina Worful

 OK, so you're giving me all this information about like cortisol and all of that, but what are my adrenals.


Juanique Roney

What is cortisol?


Gina Worful

And then I'm trying to spend the consult explaining what is cortisol, how does it affect their body, how does it affect their hormones? How does it affect their brain function? How does it affect their weight? And then I'm actually teaching and they're not really able to fully understand everything and implement it. I love that you said the learning and getting that solid foundation is so helpful.


Juanique Roney



Gina Worful

Or you actually go to that one to one consult.


Juanique Roney

Exactly like that one to one consult is like at the top of this pyramid where it's like because again, we're getting information and then we're fine tuning in and more information than fine tuning. And then we go to the consult and we hyper fine tuned. Once you get the basics down, then you can move on. There's something that  Tristin said the other day that I have to read. This is what people want to hear. Oh, my gosh, your description is so unique and we've never seen this before. We need to do thousands of dollars worth of testing to figure out what people actually need to hear. Stop overthinking it and get back to the basics. Do you know what I'm saying? Because and I'm going to share this with you guys. I should probably put my business hat on and not like like let's be friends hat, but I'm going to put this hat on because I want  people to see the behind the scenes. When I'm sitting down with my five coaches and we're going over training and we're going over cases, everyone says, oh my gosh, everyone's foundational issues are almost identical and it's true. We're not-- like I don't want to say you actually are very unique, you guys and , please embrace your uniqueness. But disease is not. Disease oftentimes all stems from the same root causes. And if we can just go back to the basics, but here's why people don't implement the basics because they don't understand them and they don't see the value behind implementing basics because it's too basic.


Gina Worful



Juanique Roney



Gina Worful

Oh, and I think it's huge even in the Biohackack role of like, let me take the next latest and greatest brain supplement but they're not sleeping.


Juanique Roney



Gina Worful

They don't even have stable blood sugar. The main things that are going to affect your brain function.


Juanique Roney



Gina Worful

Let's start there.


Juanique Roney



Gina Worful

We totally agree.


Juanique Roney

We have to go to the basics, like go back to the basic instruction manual on your body, you guys. But here's the thing is a lot of people like but it's scary. And I don't understand the lingo and I don't like it's a lot of information. And you know what? Yes, it is. So I want to share a story, OK? I told you guys this is going to be like all heart-soul stuff.  So we were home schooling Tenison this year for six months. And I gave up and I was like, I'm done. And so we enrolled in school in the Spanish immersion program. All right. Now, these kids have been like in the Spanish immersion program for six months and Tennyson's literally just walking in first day. And I'm trying to talk to the Spanish teacher who's speaking Spanish to me and I am sweating bullets because I am so stressed out. I had to like leave that classroom and take a breather and then come back and talk to her, and she would she refused to speak English to me, and I'm like, I don't understand anything you're saying, and she's still speaking Spanish to me, and I am sweating and I'm getting flustered, and I'm like, I can't deal good luck Tenison, goodbye and I left him. And you guys, it's been a month and he's speaking Spanish to me here at home like it was hard in the beginning. They literally just threw him in and he's being taught all, he's been taught math and he's been taught sciences in Spanish and and he was overwhelmed for the first few weeks and it's been like six weeks now and he's like here teaching me Spanish words and he's thriving and he loves it. And it's because he just got immersed in it. He just got thrown in.


Gina Worful

Oh, I love that.


Juanique Roney

You guys. Sometimes you just have to jump. Just jump. Just listen to people. Let them talk. Let the words get familiar in your brain. It will become your language. And in fact, this is the language you have to learn if you want to survive.  This is the language of your body. We can no longer bypass our body language. We can't do that because look where we are at. And then we go to a doctor and we say, Doctor, translate for me and guess what? They get it wrong most of the time. All right. No, no more outsourcing translation. You have to be the interpreter of your body's language, I can't even do that for you. In fact, I refuse to do that for you. We have to just get immersed. Start with free podcast, free Instagram post free, free, free, then implement. Paid classes, implement. Membership, implement. Practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, then go to the consults. All right. Go back to the basics you guys. My abdomen is actually tired right now from like talking and projecting and like, I wish you guys could see my hand gestures.


Gina Worful

It's a good workout.


Juanique Roney

Oh, my gosh, I'm sweating right now.


Gina Worful

It is a workout but I love how you broke that down. So that is just a really it's a great order of learning.


Juanique Roney

It is.


Gina Worful

If you're wondering how do I? Because I think it does the biggest thing, too, is people are overwhelmed with like there's tons of information, where do I get started? Do I need the handholding? Do I need to do a consult? What do I really need? And so start by using that order and go in that direction is fine. What is your sweet spot of that really gives you the most support and you can really actually be in control of your health. You don't just get some information and then you don't stick to it.


Juanique Roney

More than once, I've had members join the membership and then like three months later, they are doing consults with me and the feedback I always get is I'm so glad I joined the membership because this concept would have overwhelmed me and from my side talking to these clients, like, I can give them so much more homework because they actually understand what I'm talking about. It was like three consults and one like you are literally getting more bang for your buck because you are speaking the lingo I'm speaking and you've already done the basics. Most of my consults, I'm just trying to funnel people back to basics, back to basics, back to basics. It's not unique, guys. All right. Let's get to the basics and then start fine tuning through the consults later down once you've understood the language and the lingo. It's really amazing and what's so beautiful is during these concepts, we can talk about the symbolism of their disease and the mindset because they actually understand. They started connecting the dots. A lot of times people come in with this very, I always call the data the masculine energy and the mindset the feminine energy. And so a lot of the time we try to come at our healing from a masculine standpoint, a masculine energy, like I got to do the protocols and do the supplements and do the foods and  do the checklist in order to heal. But then after a while, people get really overwhelmed with that and they feel crazy almost, and it's this anxious energy and and it's not happening fast enough, and it's not like what's wrong? Why? Give me another protocol, when really what we need to do is lean into the feminine energy of the mindset and be like, slow down. What is your body want to do? Have you even asked your body what it needs right now? You know, and so this is a part of the membership that's evolving, where we're bringing in the mindset, we're bringing in the body connection, we're bringing in the trauma. Well, we're not bringing we're trying to get it out, but we're talking about the trauma. The trauma around healing is real, you guys. Can we put a name to that? Can we sit here right now and recognize that some of us are sitting here terrified? And the more information we learn, the more scared we get. Can we talk about that? Can we do a podcast episode about that and how like we think if I get more data, it's going to become more clear. But the truth is you get more data and it becomes less clear. And then you do more testing and you get more confused. We got to go back to basics and like with the second part of the membership that Gina and I are creating, mindset is No. one. Can we stop bypassing mindset? Can we just sit here for a second and tell our bodies I will no longer bypass mindset. I will connect with it now. Can we connect to our bodies now? Can we talk to our bodies? Can we bring them into this healing game?


Gina Worful

Oh, yeah. My body never healed until I was really, truly ready to listen to my thoughts, listen to my body, create that connection and realize what a huge role my mind and my thoughts are actually playing in healing my body.


Juanique Roney

Same, same. I mean, I was on digestive AIDS for four years. I was taking like seven Zapopan per meal. I started doing the emotional work until three weeks ago when I got that news, I was on no digestive enzymes. None. Not one.


Gina Worful



Juanique Roney

Digesting like a freaking pro and then stress hit. But the stress and the symptoms they're signs. Now when I get the sign from my body of what people are like, oh, dysfunction, I'm like, oh, it's a message. OK, we're out of alignment. What do you need? It was beautiful because since I've been doing my own work and guys, I've been working hard, some might call me manic or insane or aggressive, I don't know. I've been working so hard on this. I went on this hike yesterday and I asked my body, how did you want to move? And I walked and then I sprinted some of the way and then I ran some of the way and then I stopped and it was like my body was guiding me, you know.


Gina Worful

It's intuitive  movement.


Juanique Roney

It's intuitive.


Gina Worful

Letting your body be your trainer. People tell you and a lot of people I think, have the fear of like, well, if I just listen to my body, my body will be like, hey, let's chill on the couch but truly, when you check in on it, like when I really got honest with what my body wanted, I was like, oh, actually my body doesn't want to sit all day. It was more motivating for me to move because I actually could hear my body that my mind might be like, let's take let's hang out.


Juanique Roney



Gina Worful

Really when I honor my body, it wants to move in so many different ways.


Juanique Roney

So many. Your body has to become a part of the healing process now. We can no longer just do it from brain, brain, mind, mind, mind. It's not working, guys.


Gina Worful

Information information.


Juanique Roney

It rarely works where we just try to domesticate our bodies into healing.  We got to love the body into healing and connect the body into healing. It's a part of this marriage, right? It has something to say. It actually it's been yelling at you probably for years with all of these symptoms that you're feeling. It just wants your attention. It just wants your connection back to yourself again. So where does that lead us, you guys.


Gina Worful

Maybe you want to share like how has your work been evolving with how much you've had? You've had so much going on with you and Tristin and your family and your kids and your work, and you're so passionate about serving everybody here who's listening, serving your community, serving your patients. Where are you at right now, Jaunique with how you're helping people and maybe you want to share some of what we've been talking about.


Juanique Roney

You guys remember that triangle of free classes, free information, implementation, paid classes, paid membership, implementation, and then consults and implementation? Honestly, like 80 percent of my energy goes into like the consults part and like training the coaches and Provo Health and I want to go back to education and implementation, free classes, paid classes, implementation, because that is where the change like the big changes happened. Those are the big guns. So I'm actually shifting my energy. I'm still very involved in Provo Health but I've been talking with Gina, I've been talking with Carlyn. I've been talking with other experts in this field. I want classes. You guys keep an eye on the podcast. Keep an eye on my Instagram's. Join the mailing lists that we can announce, but there's going to be free classes. There's going to be paid classes, there's going to be all day workshops. There's going to be retreats. We need to educate ourselves. But the big one, the one that I have been pouring my heart and soul into and been refining and have been bringing Gina on board with is this membership because this membership is the total package, because in the past, like last year, I revamped the membership and it actually is only one part of two. And then I brought Gina on board in January and her and I have been talking weekly and brainstorming and creating and organizing and we've brought on in part two. But it's not like do part one first and do part two first. They're completely different. So what I've been working on over the past year is the foundations of food and health. This is like oils to cook with and foods and how to revamp your pantry and, you know, some of the nutritional sciences around, like when you eat carbs, when you eat fats, when you eat minerals and proteins, like what is it doing in your body and why is it important to eat these things and not the other things?


Gina Worful

When you learn about your adrenals and your mitochondria and your hormones and we're talking about these food protocols or things to eat, not to eat, you'll already have the foundation.


Juanique Roney



Gina Worful

What is a healthy fat how does my body work?


Juanique Roney

Yes and so with that part one being like the foundations of food and the nutritional science, then there's this part two, which is heal your whole body roadmap. So this is literally classes and courses of beautiful, beautiful content. This is what Gina is helping me with. And if you guys were at her live like free class. Oh, my gosh. She floored me with how elegantly she presents information and how well she conveys it because it's just like me, I think I do this like we can take really complex concepts and break it down into really simple terms because you don't need to understand the complexity. You need to know the bottom line and what this part two is, is the bottom line but the details everybody should know about healing their whole body and the roadmap to that. And so it's my order of healing, but in classes form, and so you're understanding the mechanism of the disease and the dysfunction and  this topic and then you're given like protocols and foods and ways to how to heal it?


Gina Worful

Well, what I love, too, is you're not just telling everybody here's all the different ways you can heal your body like you're guiding them.


Juanique Roney



Gina Worful

I love your order of healing because it's a guide of a roadmap that when you do the first one first, it makes everything else easier.


Juanique Roney



Gina Worful

The order of that podcast and the order of healing with Carlyn on her Just Ingredients podcast. And I was listening to how beautifully you explained that, that a lot of the time when we fix mindset that already heals a lot of the gut issues.


Juanique Roney

Mitochondrial issues.


Gina Worful

And then we heal the mitochondria and a lot of time that will then heal the other body parts. And so it's like it's getting easier and easier as you're walking through that order. And so taking something that is so complex, like our body is so intricate, complex, and actually creating a roadmap that makes everything easier and simple. And like if you're having this, this and this issue, here's this and this of what you need to do.


Juanique Roney



Gina Worful

Refuse chasing symptoms all over the place.


Juanique Roney

You guys, that order of healing was one of those other things when I was laying up at night. And I'm like, how can I make people understand? How do we break this down? Because people are so confused, right? We need a manual, we need a one to step. Because it is like, yes, it can feel like a lot of information. But when you break it down like this and you do like a class, either weekly or every other week, you know, we're going to put together a schedule for members who join. Then if you have questions, you come and you join the Zoom and you ask questions because here's another thing I can't answer everyone's DMs, it's impossible. I get hundreds a day and I want to help people but I want you to also help yourself too. You can take a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. Can I have you guys start drinking so that when we do start discussing these details, you'll actually get it and you'll understand the importance of it.


Gina Worful

We all grow together.


Juanique Roney

We all grow together.  But I can't wanted more than you. You actually have to do the work, OK? You have to practice and do it over and over, because essentially what's happening in these consults with our doctors and our professionals is we go we want to pay a lot of money and we want to give up our agency to actually, like, do the work. Well, I'm paying this doctor 200 bucks, 300 bucks. I want them to do the work for me. No, we can't keep doing that anymore because it's actually not working. It's ban-aiding . So when we do it this way and we learn these things step by step, like Morsal by Morsal, it will make sense. It'll click and you in a year,  in a year you guys, if you do this right and you listen to the classes and you joined the Zoom's and you can take breaks like you have a year to like go all in., take a break. You have a year to do this. If you do this work, you should be an expert in your body in twelve months. You should. There is no reason.


Gina Worful

We have never been able to offer something so amazing where we actually have this interaction with people on a weekly basis.


Juanique Roney

Weekly basis.


Gina Worful

On a weekly basis. So if you're worried, if you're the kind of person that like you've bought a course before and you bought a course and then you're kind of on your own and you're like, wow, I always do that. I buy courses and I don't finish that. Implement it. You actually have a community to lean into and my tribe is more powerful than anything.


Juanique Roney

Anything, and, you know, and the thing is like we're not here to like shame you and be like, oh, you didn't listen to the class. No, we're just here to gently and lovingly nudge you. All of this has been done out of passion and love, all of this. Like, I don't lay awake--


Gina Worful

 Or work at our own pace.


Juanique Roney

All everyone works at their own pace. Exactly. If you need to ask the same question ten times, we do not care. We don't care because we all just learn so differently and we all have strengths and we all have weaknesses. We're here to show up in the weaknesses. All right. We're here to strengthen those muscles. All right? Otherwise, if they were strong, you wouldn't have to strengthen them. We're here to strengthen that which we are not confident in yet. All right. So let's explain this membership, this revamp. And you guys, I couldn't have done this without Gina. Gina is so brilliant. She is this powerhouse. I say, hey, can you do a course? And she's done it in like a day. I'm like, what? Are you kidding me? It's amazing.


Gina Worful

I'm just so excited to be a part of it.  I'm like yes. I finally have a great space to  teach. We're just so on the same page. It's fun. So fun. I'm so excited to be  part of it.


Juanique Roney

I swear the universe brought us together to create this. I'm not even kidding because this has this had to happen. It had to happen this way. But OK, so we spoke about the foundations of food and health. That's what I've been working on for the past year. Like hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours have gone into that. Then there's the second part, which is heal your whole body roadmap, that's the one that is working really heavily on. I'm having some work in there, but it's like 80 percent of her power, 20 percent of my power, whereas the first section is 80 percent my power, 20 percent her power, like yin and yang. So there are two options. There's three options, actually. You can just buy one of the parts, like you can buy the foundations of food and health part if that's what you want to focus on or you can buy the heal your whole body roadmap part. So what we're doing today and for like the rest of this week is we're actually doing a buy one, get one free. All right. If you buy one of the courses, you get the other course free. So if you buy one course, you're in the membership for six months. You have six months to unpack the information. If you get both of the courses, which it's a no brainer, just buy both of them because the second one is free. You get for a year, you get the Zoom's for a year, you get exclusive membership discounts for a year, you guys. You have this consistent 10 percent discount off of Provo Health and Honestly Essential and then there's these like pop up 15, 20, 25 percent discounts every now and then if you join the Zoom's.


Gina Worful

What's so great about this is we designed it so that we put our heads together, that we're like, how do we create the most value? How do we give people the best information to learn about their bodies, actually get to interact with us every single week in a community for the lowest investment for everybody? Yes. And this is the way that we've been able to do it.


Juanique Roney

Exactly and so we want you guys to, like, get excited about this and we want you to see the value in both.  So if you sign up over the next few days, it's buy one, get one free. It's a total of six hundred dollars. You guys, how much should we say that was per month. That's 100 bucks a month. And is that correct? Oh no, no, no, no. It's 50 bucks a month because you're buying one getting one free.


Gina Worful

Be with us every week.


Juanique Roney

That's less than a bottle of water a day to become your own health expert, to outwit your own doctor. All right. Less than a bottle of water per day. But you have to sign up over the next few days. Actually don't know how many days we'll put it in the link, so click the link. But it'll be like four to five days. So this podcast is being released on Tuesday. The discount is actually going to be done by Sunday. I just decided that right now. So you have the whole of next week to sign up to buy one, get one free, have all the courses, all the information, all the other exclusive information, all the free classes that we like schedule online, you only get like short term access to that for free. In the membership you can go back and watch it as many times as you like. So you get these exclusive classes, these exclusive discounts, these incredible, incredible lectures where you're becoming your own advocate. You're getting the Zoom's calls. You're getting the meal plans too. We haven't even spoken about that. OK, so I created the full menu plan, which is a little bit involved. There's the intermittent fasting menu plan. There's a super simple menu plan, and then there is the beyond basic menu plan, you guys. This is literally like anyone can do that and it's because people that feel the overwhelm in the kitchen start with the beyond basic menu plans, right. Where it gives you your shopping list, it gives you the recipes and you're creating like four meals a week and that's it and you're eating the leftovers throughout the week. So you're creating like one meal on the weekend and then three throughout the week and you're done. That's it. That's it.


Gina Worful

I have never seen anything like this before.


Juanique Roney

No, because it doesn't exist, because this has been like--


Gina Worful

I haven't seen anything like this so far which why I am so excited and we are both so excited about having such a great resource that really just gives you the support, because both of us don't really, you don't have the time to meet with every person that we know to and as often. And we know it's a huge financial investment. So to be able to do this like we are, we both put our heads together. We're like, you know, what do we think is the value of this program?


Juanique Roney



Gina Worful

And the value is far more.


Juanique Roney

It is.


Gina Worful

Lets us really support people and make this as affordable as we can and the most value as we can.


Juanique Roney

And as accessible, yes,  exactly. We want you guys to get it right. We're not sure if we can do payment options yet. Check the website, go to that will take you to the landing page for to sign up. Please sign up for the membership. The membership is launching in May so you can sign up for it now, but it will be open I think by the 1st of May. That's when we're like going you have access to everything. Boom, boom, boom.


Gina Worful

If you miss this podcast also like let's say you listen to this and it's three weeks later, you're like, dang, we are only doing the buy one, get one as like a big launch.


Juanique Roney



Gina Worful

And after that, like it will be so worth it.


Juanique Roney

So worth it.


Gina Worful

So worth the price.


Juanique Roney

Like afterwards it's to buy both courses together. It's like eight fifty which is what, what does that we say?


Gina Worful

Thirty  dollars a month.


Juanique Roney

Thirty dollars a month.


Gina Worful

On your access.


Juanique Roney

Yes, again the price of like a more expensive bottle of water. I mean, it's to me, it's a no brainer, but again, you got to want to want it, right? I hope, OK, I never want people to go through what I've gone through this year. It's been insane. Yes, I love the lessons and I love the growth. And it's amazing and I never will have to do it again. And so can we just not have our children go through this? Because our statistics are dire, what is it going to be like in 20 years when our kids are in their 20s and 30s? What is their experience going to be like? You know, healing can happen, you guys healing is supposed to happen. That's how we are divinely designed. But we have gone so far from our natural states. The further we get away from nature, the sicker we get. When we go back to nature, we heal. And that's what we're missing here.  I call the Gutsy health membership the manual to the body. It's the instruction manual, learn the instructions on your body and how it heals from mindset to mitochondria to the organ systems in your body. Learn it now. All right. Because this information is going to serve you for the rest of your life, the rest of your children's life, the rest of your grandchildren, like your whole lineage.  If we get this right now, imagine where we can be in a hundred years or 200 years, because right now that trajectory is just terrible. It scares the crap out of me. Let's stop. Let's heal this planet because it's dying and we're dying. Can we do that for ourselves and empower ourselves and learn how to heal again from energy to mindset to cells and chemistry in the body? Let's just do this. Let's heal you guys. So if you buy both, if you listen to this like three months later and you want to join, you can buy both of them for eight fifty. It's nothing. It's still and then to get all the discounts on products and the other classes and the other workshops and all these other things that we are going to be providing, you will get exclusive discounts, too, and you'll get exclusive access to other projects that are coming up later, because Gina and I are constantly, constantly brainstorming and mind dumping ideas on how to serve you guys, because that's what this is. We want to serve you the best way we know. And you don't have to spend. Gina, how much have you spent on your education? I know I have spent, like, well over like. I know, right. You don't have to spend like hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn this stuff. We spent that money for you and then we broke it down into the most important aspects and the most important pieces. And we explain it in a way that everyone can understand so that you don't have to go through the years worth of training and all of that jazz, you don't have to do it. And who wants to write exams? God, I hate exams so much. I'm actually not done with that.


Gina Worful

Getting red marks on my paper.


Juanique Roney

I still have a year and a half left. I'm dying. I had to put like a pause when Tristin top on down. I should have been done at the end of this year and I still have a year and a half left. Great. But anyways, you guys, thank you for listening. Thank you for tuning in. Thank you for caring. Thank you for listening to this this passion project that we have and the Gutsy health membership is not the passion project. The Healing the planet is. That's the passion project. Healing ourselves, healing our communities, healing our nation, healing. That's the passion project. It has nothing to do with the membership. The membership is just a tool to help us all find our higher selves, heal our higher selves and invite others to do the same. Do you have anything else you want to say, Gina? Did we cover everything we wanted to?


Gina Worful

I think that was beautifully put and sums it up and just be on the look out. Like Jaunique said, we are going to do some free classes that if you're not quite ready to go all in on the membership, like we are going to do some free classes. We just did one all about mitochondria, what they are. We're going to teach you which nutrients drive mitochondria to speed up your metabolism. We're going to talk about how to heal different mysterious gut issues and brain health and hormone balance, and if you're stressed and your cortisol is off and you don't know when you're trying to figure it out. We're going to dove into all that. And so we're just really excited. Keep an eye out for some free classes and then we're going to have all of that inside the membership. It's going to be great.


Juanique Roney

It really is. So you guys, thank you for listening. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being as passionate about healing as we are and sharing this podcast with your friends and loved ones and constantly trying to better yourselves. One for yourself, but one for each other as well. I truly mean it when we say we love you, we care about you, we care about your families. We feel your pain. When you guys reach out like I feel you so deeply and I want you to get help and I want you to get healing, but the only person that can come from is you. It can't come from me. I am not the expert in your body. Your body is the expert in your body. You just need to learn how to tap into the language of it. And once you can do that, you're free, you're free, you can heal. It happens all the time. Don't let anyone tell you healing doesn't happen. That is the biggest lie on the face of this planet and it's killing the planet. So let's not do that. I love you guys. Thank you for listening. Gina, thank you a 100 million times for being here. I just you guys, if you can't tell, I just adore Gina.


Gina Worful

I'm so happy to be here and see you all soon.


Juanique Roney

OK, bye, guys. Until next week.




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